Ron Horn – Builder
Ron Horn has had a significant influence on cycling and skiing in Prince Albert and District for many years.
His cycling involvement includes being a key organizer of an event for Cycle Canada surrounding the 1976Olympic Games in Montreal. This event saw cyclists start from Victoria, BC in the West and St. John’s, Newfoundland in the East and cycle into Montreal to coincide with the opening of the Olympic Games. Ron was the key contact for the Western contingent coming through Saskatchewan. Once that leg was complete, Ron and his wife Shelly then joined the Eastern contingent in St. John’s and cycled to Montreal for their honeymoon.
Horn was the Chairman of the Saskatchewan Cycling Association from 1977-81 and continued as an active member following. He received the President’s Award in 2004 for his contributions to that organization.
In 1987 Ron helped form the PA Cycling Club, which became the Rock ‘N Road Cycle Club in 1994. He continues to hold that position today, 26 years later.
In Skiing Ron has been a long time member of the Provincial Cross Country Ski Association which he was the Finance Director from 2000-04. He also was involved with the PA Ski Club for many years as President and Director. Ron and Shelley were recognized in 2007 when they jointly received the Christina Woodrow Memorial Award for many years of dedicated volunteer service.
Ron also is instrumental in the care and maintenance of the Cross Country Ski trails at Cooke Municipal Golf Course.