Jackie Packet – Builder
Jackie Packet’s love of sport began at an early age while growing up on a farm south of Lafleche, Saskatchewan. Tin-can cricket, softball, and curling were her first experiences with sport. School life found Jackie on every team possible.
When she moved to Prince Albert to begin her teaching career in the fall of 1985, her participation in sport was a natural way to meet people, stay active, and keep her competitive nature alive.
Success came in the form of many city championships and, in rugby, a call to represent our province at two national championships. Jackie was honoured to be named Prince Albert’s female athlete in 1988 when the Calgary Olympic torch travelled through the city.
She quickly established herself as someone sport could rely on in the city helping organize Prince Albert’s first ladies’ basketball league, fundraising for the track at Prime Ministers Park, chair of the 100th Anniversary of Cooke Municipal Golf Course, committee chair and MC for various provincial and national curling events, and organizer of special events across the gamut of sports.
Having taught over 30 years in the Prince Albert Catholic School System, she has coached all the sports she is passionate about. Athletes feel secure under Jackie’s leadership as her motto is “Sport for everyone, not just the elite” and she prides herself on encouraging youth to be multi-sport enthusiasts.
Jackie is also an official of several sports in addition to being an instructor for volleyball and basketball officials. She has received recognition as SHSAA Official of the Year, SHSAA service awards and the prestigious national J – “Wink” Willox award for her dedication to assuring that contests of all kinds are fairly refereed. When developing and mentoring an official she emphasizes the personal growth and dedication required to become a solid official, one who always puts “the game” first.
Jackie is a board member of the Prince Albert A & W AAA Bears Hockey Team, chair of the Ladies Northern Golf Tournament, North Central Official Commissioner, and a Zone 8 volleyball and basketball clinician. Whether it is a school or club playoff or championship, a golf tournament, a national or provincial curling event, she will be there in some capacity.