Dwight Bergstron & Wayne Simpson – Builders
Dwight Bergstrom & Wayne Simpson grew up together at the ski hill since the 1960’s when they joined the Prince Albert Ski Club coached by Ernie Birkham. They competed and coached together and helped develop a quality facility at Little Red River Park for the Prince Albert ski community.
Wayne Simpson competed for Saskatchewan at the 1967 Canada Winter Games in Quebec City and in 1971 in Saskatoon, where he was part of the silver medal Dual Slalom team. Dwight Bergstrom has been a life long coach, who along with Wayne coached two members of the Saskatchewan team and developed another for Team Albert for the 1975 Canada Winter Games.
In 1984 Dwight’s eldest daughter Reagan was 5 and Dwight, along with Elaine Conacher formed the Prince Albert Nancy Greene Ski League with 4 racers! The following year many more youngsters showed interest in the NGSL which prompted Dwight to contact Wayne Simpson. Wayne’s daughter Adrienne also became interested, which began a significant phase to improve ski racing in PrinceAlbert.
Dwight and Wayne continued as coaches and executives of the NGSL for many years until in 1989 both saw the need for improvements to Little Red as their association had over 150 members and they were constantly challenged with the lack of snow. Dwight and Wayne formed a group of volunteers to become the PA Ski Hill Development Inc. which raised in excess of $250,000. On December 1, 1990 the new Kinsmen Ski Centre opened at Little Red complete with snow making equipment.
For their efforts in 1991, they were named the Prince Albert Sportsmen of the Year.
Dwight Bergstrom continued his love of coaching for many years in ski racing with the support of his good friend Wayne Simpson.